We provide two types of ECU unlock for BMW's June 2020+, These are the Femto & the 1769 solution
This listing is for specifically the 1769 performance Unlock
Both are amazing as without them 2020+ tuning would not be possible. They have their differences in benefits which will be shown further down. Depending on what your goals are with your car and the level of DIY adjustability you would like to have after tuning will be the biggest deciding factor on what unlock option suits you and your car.
1769 Unlock Solution
FEMTO Unlock Solution
Whether your ECU is pre June 2020, Femto unlocked or 1769 unlocked we can achieve the same power on our tuning, all options give full access to the calibration area (section of ecu where boost, timing, fuelling maps are stored) Cold start, Burbles, Exhaust flap adjustment, speed limiters are also contained within this area also.
Custom Rom on G series is available for B48/58 & S58. For S63 & N63 there are no custom rom available. What exactly is custom rom? Custom rom is changes to the ASW area of ecu which are done to create features & options the ecu was never capable of from factory. Flexfuel for ethanol would be an example of this, or the ability to store multiple maps within the ecu at once and select them via the steering wheel on the fly.
Remote Engine Start is an option we can code & enable at the time of 1769 ecu unlock. This is a genuine BMW feature that was available in some parts of the world when chosen from new. The remote start does not leave the car more vulnerable to theft as it is in 'remote start mode' and as such the throttle & gear selector are disabled until the key is presented inside the car and ignition pressed to enable full drive mode.
1769 VIDEO
Velocity Tuning
Colchester, CO7 7PN, United Kingdom